Ramblings about my programming escapades.
Quick Powershell tip concerning Out-String and Send-MailMessage
Recently I wrote a script at work to generate a report about the load on a set of servers. The gathered statistics were mailed around everything nice and dandy. But after a few weeks something strange happened the body of the mail message containing a nice table got turned into gibberish.
Cause I really didn’t understand want went wrong all of a sudden, so I started to inspect the output of the script.…
Read more ⟶Generated Stack Overflow flair in text
Those of you who’ve visited here before would have noticed the list of badges in the right column. These were the standard badges you can find all around the internet. Looking at the output of Pingdom, YSlow and WebSiteOptimization.com I decided that removing a number of images from the site would improve the load time. Furthermore FriendFeed seemed to be having performance problems of their own. Since I’m not a heavy FriendFeed user I decided to remove the badge entirely.…
Read more ⟶Adding comments
In my last post I hinted that the next feature to be implemented was a comments facility. Searching through the web I found two options Disqus and IntenseDebate. Browsing through their respective sites, I liked Disqus better. Judging by a few comparisons I found here and here, and the fact that gitready uses Disqus. Disqus scored best in my comparison. Their registration process also was a lot less labor intensive. Adding the code to the site was also trivial.…
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